NABET-CWA Believes in Public Media

NABET-CWA Believes in Public Media
Friday, April 6, 2023 (Washington, DC) NABET-CWA strongly disagrees with Twitter's recent labeling of NPR as a "state-affiliated media" organization. This inaccurate characterization undermines the independent, fact-based journalism NPR and its member stations produce every day.
NPR, a non-profit organization, operates independently of government control and upholds the highest ethical standards. Its network of member stations contributes to the production of unbiased, accurate, and in-depth reporting that millions of Americans rely on daily.
NABET-CWA proudly represents employees at NPR and at member stations across the country. We stand in solidarity with NPR, its member stations, and the thousands of dedicated employees nationwide who work tirelessly to bring us exceptional journalism every day. They deserve our support, respect, and gratitude for their unwavering commitment to providing this essential public service.
We call on Twitter to rectify this mistake promptly and to issue a public apology for its mischaracterization of NPR. We encourage our members, allies, and the public at large to continue supporting NPR and its member stations as they continue to provide news and cultural programming of the highest quality.
[NABET-CWA is a Union representing more than 10,000 working men and women in the broadcast, cable television and radio industries.]
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